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Opt Out of Firm Offers of Credit or Insurance
Many buyers find that applying for a mortgage can trigger an influx of marketing from other companies trying to win their business. Fortunately, there are ways to prevent this flood of offers from overwhelming you during an already stressful time.
Mortgage Numbers That Matter
Whether you are a first-time home buyer or an experienced one, there are three numbers that will help determine the type of mortgage you qualify for. Let’s learn more about the mortgage numbers that matter.
Five Mortgage Security Tips
We care about the safety of your personal information. What’s important to you is important to us. Here are some practical tips you can take to keep your information safe during the loan process.
Loan Process
What happens after pre-approval? Words like underwriting, insurance premiums, and closing begin to pop up in conversation, and you might be wondering what all these terms mean. We'll walk through them step by step.
Mortgage Rates
When it comes to choosing your mortgage, mortgage rates are only part of the equation. Home price, insurance, taxes, and interest contribute to your payment. Let's look at how mortgage rates, and mortgages, really work.